Easy ways to improve your health and fitness

There are lots of simple, easy and fun ways to get an extra boost out of life and improve your health and fitness. You should start by simply being in nature and the great outdoors. Too many of us are hunched over desks all day and without natural sunlight. Top up your vitamin D levels by getting a burst of beautiful autumn sun as and when you can; fifteen minutes a day should get you feeling full of beans!
There are lots of simple, easy and fun ways to get an extra boost out of life and improve your health and fitness. You should start by simply being in nature and the great outdoors. Too many of us are hunched over desks all day and without natural sunlight. Top up your vitamin D levels by getting a burst of beautiful autumn sun as and when you can; fifteen minutes a day should get you feeling full of beans!
Appreciate your friends and family and take time to really dedicate to those relationships we take for granted. Laugh and smile with your loved ones as much as you can as this will enhance your mood and also give you a great perspective on the most important things in life. That way hopefully, the next traffic jam or work project may not get you so hot under the collar, keeping your blood pressure down and your longevity up! Don't ever let stress get the better of you; take some deep breaths, keep calm and carry on.
Have you ever thought how flossing could save your life? Well, getting rid of plaque build-up in your mouth keeps it out your arteries and makes for a longer and healthier life expectancy. It may seem like the distant future but how we treat out bodies now will be reflected in later years. So what else can be put in place to preserve your get-up-and-go? You've heard of the outdoor boot camps rising up all over the country? Well not only is that military style great for the fitness fix we crave, but also just getting outside will do wonders for your well-being.
Another tip is to try and keep your workouts varied. If you're doing an hour on the treadmill four times a week, that's excellent cardio input. However don't run the risk of excluding essential elements of your overall fitness or even worse, getting bored and giving up altogether! Speak to the personal trainer at your fitness centre as they will thrive on a new challenge and if you are ready and willing, they'll show you some new challenges. Maybe get stuck into some weightlifting or core exercises you've never tried, or sign up for a new exercise class! This will keep your mind engaged on reaching new goals, and ensure all areas of your whole fitness are up for the everyday battle to stay strong and healthy for as long as you want to be.
Speaking of new classes, a great way to keep the mind and body happy and healthy well into older years is meditation and relaxation during or after exercise. It's proven to lower blood pressure and stress levels which are the two things many of us deal with on a daily basis. Try Body Balance, a mixture between tai chi, Pilates and yoga for a stretch based class with an emphasis on core strength and relaxation. Believe me; just allowing some quiet time during your day will do wonders for a long lifespan!
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on 0203 397 8891 or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your perfect healthy holiday.