The Best Spa Breaks for Acupuncture

The art of acupuncture has been practiced for over two millennia, in which time it has built a substantial reputation as a leading alternative therapy. With the simple, non-invasive application of delicate needles, all manner of uncomfortable or life-altering conditions can be eased. Many mental illnesses, like anxiety and depression, can be treated through acupuncture’s gentle stimulation of the nerve endings. The symptoms of physical conditions such as migraines can likewise be dramatically lessened, including muscular issues like hypertension, chronic pain and menstrual cramps.
The art of acupuncture has been practiced for over two millennia, in which time it has built a substantial reputation as a leading alternative therapy. With the simple, non-invasive application of delicate needles, all manner of uncomfortable or life-altering conditions can be eased. Many mental illnesses, like anxiety and depression, can be treated through acupuncture’s gentle stimulation of the nerve endings. The symptoms of physical conditions such as migraines can likewise be dramatically lessened, including muscular issues like hypertension, chronic pain and menstrual cramps.
Where better to receive this wonderful alternative therapy than on a luxury spa retreat? Dedicated and qualified professionals will provide a seamless acupuncture experience within a luxurious, exotic setting. You can be assured that your acupuncture, as well as a wide variety of wellness treatments, will be of the highest standards at a luxury spa retreat. Discover below the best spa breaks for acupuncture:
India: Holistic Health at Atmantan Wellness Resort
At this Indian resort, acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion are performed by wellness professionals for a nourishing and detoxifying healthy holiday. With the tension releasing effects of acupuncture, you’ll find a helping hand to push you further along your spiritual journey. This waterfront retreat sits within a breath-taking landscape of high mountains and deep lakes in central India. Holistic health is designed to refresh you in a way that a regular spa visit can’t, by targeting the essence of your ‘Qi’ with spiritual breathing practices, supplemented by the ancient wellness practice of acupuncture. Sensitive therapy will release any built-up anxiety and guided pranayama will reconnect you to mother nature.
For more information and booking: Atmantan Wellness Resort
Greece: Weight Loss at Euphoria Retreat
This holiday is a testament to the wide-ranging application of acupuncture. By stimulating the nerve endings, acupuncture decreases stress and anxiety which can reduce your cortisol levels. High levels of cortisol in the blood stream are catabolic to muscle mass and will leave you feeling weakened. 2 acupuncture sessions of 50 minutes, as well as a variety of other alternative therapies (infrared sauna, elemental balancing, group mind detox), will give you the tools to improve your health. While weight loss is achieved with a strict diet and hard work, acupuncture at Euphoria Retreat may be the secret helping hand you need to correct your hormone imbalances and achieve your results.
For more information and booking: Euphoria Retreat
Thailand: Natural Renewal at Chiva Som International Health Resort
Chiva Som’s Natural Renewal holiday showcases a variety of acupuncture treatments, allowing you to choose which is right for you. Facial acupuncture may seem a little daunting but it provides a release of the tension which we carry that leads to wrinkles, giving your face a firmer, younger appearance. Chiva Som’s Shirako acupuncture stimulates the ‘Seiketsu’ points of the nervous system which improves your flow of energy, restores neurological stability and aids relaxation. The delicate precision of acupuncture will undo muscular knots without the need for massage. However, the Shiatsu and acupressure massage techniques of the wellness experts at Chiva Som are not something to be missed out on as these enjoyable sessions will complete your natural renewal.
For more information and booking: Chiva Som International Health Resort
Italy: Sleep Well at Lefay Resort Lago Di Garda
No matter how hard you exercise or work on your wellness, you will see little improvement if you aren’t able to sleep well. Lefay Resort is offering a unique package on the shores of Lake Garda in Northern Italy which uses acupuncture and other therapies to induce life-long healthy sleep patterns in guests. As well as relaxing you, the 2 individual acupuncture sessions will raise your butyric acid levels. This is a short chain fatty acid which has been linked by studies to a variety of health benefits like improved insulin sensitivity, a reduced risk of colon cancer and enhanced sleep. A glamorous sleep enhancement retreat at Lefay Resort Lago di Garda will set you up for a future of wellness by improving the foundation of your health with acupuncture.
For more information and booking: Lefay Resort & Spa Lago di Garda
Spain: Detox at SHA Wellness Clinic
The toxins accumulated in the modern world aren’t easily shaken off but SHA Wellness Clinic provides a luxury, medical service that aims to detoxify and rejuvenate guests. With the crystal-clear waters of the Costa Del Sol and La Serra Gelada National Park only a 2km walk away, the setting for a detox holiday with SHA is one of the best on this list. The acupuncture treatment here is a way of cleansing the body by relaxing the nervous system and encouraging the expulsion of toxins. The traditions of acupuncture are offered but SHA is unique by offering laser acupuncture which uses cold lasers to grant effective treatment without the slight discomfort needles may bring to some guests.
For more information and booking: SHA Wellness Clinic
Thailand: De-Stress Asian Bliss at Kamalaya
This spa break’s namesake is true to it’s practice as it sports a relaxing programme of wellness therapies steeped in Asian culture. Acupuncture is practiced in traditional fashion by the skilful hands of resident masters in authentic wooden treatment rooms. The supplement therapies of head massage, herbal compresses, Kati Vasti and lotus blossom scrubs are in keeping with the authentic approach taken by Kamalaya. Complimentary attendance to group classes including yoga, Tai Chi and meditation will put you in touch with the spiritual practices of the region, likewise, Kamalaya’s location on the idyllic island of Koh Samui will acquaint any visitors with the lush richness of South East Asia’s landscape. De Stress Asian Bliss at Kamalaya sticks to its routes and helps visitors to relax with the tried and tested practices of ancient wellness.
For more information and booking: Kamalaya
Portugal: Rejuvenation and Anti-Ageing at Longevity Health & Wellness Hotel
Acupuncture, particularly facial acupuncture after a full-body session, is an invaluable tool in easing the visible effects of ageing. The traditional medicine makes skin look younger and smoother which is why it is employed by the Longevity Health & Wellness Hotel. In combination with other detoxifying, anti-inflammatory wellness treatments, the rejuvenation programme uses acupuncture as a safe alternative to surgery or Botox in order to boost collagen levels and relieve facial tension. This 10-day holiday on the Algarve Coast is a comprehensive collection of medical tests and natural therapies. All underlying issues which may be detrimental to your health are identified and targeted. Acupuncture at Longevity is one of their crucial treatments as it is a non-invasive experience with many, wide-reaching health benefits.
For more information and booking: Longevity Health & Wellness Hotel
Whether you’re new to acupuncture or already well-acquainted with its benefits, it is important to pick the best spa break for you. The above retreats are all unique in their own way with regards to their programmes and setting but they all share a guarantee of professionality and the very highest standards in acupuncture. Whichever spa break you choose, you can be sure of high quality treatment from an experienced professional.
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your perfect spa break.