Top Tips for Solo Female Travellers
Solo travel can be a fantastic, liberating experience for women for multiple reasons and for most of the time it is a care-free, enriching, and gratifying experience. Whether you’re embarking on your first solo trip or just visiting a new destination for the first time, it can put your mind at ease to familiarise yourself with the customs, rules, and safety protocols of your chosen destination.
For more handy tips on keeping safe on your travels, see our Top Safety Tips for Solo Travellers


All-Inclusive or Not?

Cultural Awareness
As we all well know, many countries around the globe have very different religions, beliefs and creeds that of course should be respected and valued by all. Certain opinions about women in particular nations may be rather different from where you are travelling from particularly regarding what you are wearing, whether you are married and consumption of alcohol. Familiarising yourself with these is important as a breach of these rules in some countries can land you fines and even prison time for not adhering to them. Most common of such rules involve dress codes with regard to visiting religious sites and destinations, so be sure to pack items of clothing that reflect these if you plan to visit any such sites.
If you have any further questions pertaining to your destination, do get in touch with us as our Wellness Travel Specialists will be able to advise on best practices!

As the saying goes, ‘there’s safety in numbers. When travelling in an unfamiliar environment, particularly on a ‘tour’ rather than staying within the parameters of a retreat, you may feel more comfortable doing so in a group. Many retreats offer group excursions, or you may be able to find single-friendly group activities via forums and social media. Not only will this make you feel safer, but you’ll also have the chance to meet new people and potentially form life-long friendships!

Night Time
The staff at your accommodation are there to make your stay as comfortable and safe as possible, so do use them as a resource and guide whenever you can – they may even recommend you the perfect place to enjoy a sundowner or experience local culture. Before venturing out at night, perhaps check-in with them to let them know when to expect your return. As with anywhere, use your common sense when venturing out at night. Things to consider include:
- Travel – how will you be getting there and back? Do you have a copy of the local transport timetable you require or the number for a local taxi service? (Your accommodation will be able to provide this or even schedule to have someone take you to and from your destination)
- Valuables – take only what you need and perhaps stash some emergency cash somewhere safe. Your accommodation may have a safe in the room or safety deposit boxes.
- Stay public – keep to well-lit paths and among people, remember stranger danger still applies no matter how friendly people are!
- Be aware of your drink when dining out or at a local bar – don’t leave it unattended.