The Benefits of a Fasting Retreat

It is rare that any products or diet plans can offer the proven benefits of a supervised fasting retreats. Unlike the gimmicks that fill our bathroom cabinets, fasting offers an almost unrivalled variety of health and mind benefits without the hassle. Detox holidays offer fasting and juice cleanse programmes to fight off the easily accumulated toxins picked up in the world of takeaways and ready meals. Single holiday goers can fast and socialise with the friendly and open atmospheres of these retreats while fostering lasting health benefits. Couples can sustain mutual weight loss with each other’s support and as part of a larger group. Even entire friendship groups can book nutrition-friendly retreats to de-stress and bring back a collective Zen. The ancient spiritualistic practices of fasting are no longer the virtue of a handful of Buddhist monks, we can all experience the benefits.
It is rare that any products or diet plans can offer the proven benefits of a supervised fasting retreats. Unlike the gimmicks that fill our bathroom cabinets, fasting offers an almost unrivalled variety of health and mind benefits without the hassle. Detox holidays offer fasting and juice cleanse programmes to fight off the easily accumulated toxins picked up in the world of takeaways and ready meals. Single holiday goers can fast and socialise with the friendly and open atmospheres of these retreats while fostering lasting health benefits. Couples can sustain mutual weight loss with each other’s support and as part of a larger group. Even entire friendship groups can book nutrition-friendly retreats to de-stress and bring back a collective Zen. The ancient spiritualistic practices of fasting are no longer the virtue of a handful of Buddhist monks, we can all experience the benefits.
Rapid Weight Loss
It should be of little surprise that fasting retreats are a reliable way of achieving weight loss. Professionally monitored diets will reduce your weight quickly and safely. Fasting can help to address metabolic issues and lower your insulin levels to keep your body burning fat after you have finished the retreat. Reductions in fat will mean an improvement in overall physicality, allowing you to continue your self-improvement lifestyle. If your goals are purely aesthetic, fasting and weight loss retreats can help where the Atkins failed.
Health Benefits
Weight loss and improved weight management are attractive benefits but that is not to mention the myriad of other perks to your health a fasting retreat can provide: protection against heart disease, diabetes, neurodegeneration, inflammation, optimisation of energy metabolism and a bolstering of cellular immunity. To supplement your fast, a juice cleanse will work with your body to maintain energy levels and supply vital nutrients. Purge toxins with a cleansing fast and reinvigorate with purity for lasting health benefits.
Greater focus
Focus of being and peace of mind. Fasting retreats provide a break from the fad diet culture and reconnect with the wisdom of spirituality to clear your mind. Diet supervision and fellow fasters within picturesque locations makes the possibly daunting challenge of fasting more than bearable. The result will be an intangible wisdom, a zen like spirituality that will give you the skills to banish the mental health impact of lockdown. There are reasons why spiritual communities have practiced fasting for centuries.
Less Stress
More than often, destressing holidays provide a much-needed break from work and a chance to recharge your batteries. Anxiety and stress have health consequences: heart disease, skin irritation and weight problems to name a few. Fasting retreats offer a peaceful, stress-busting environment where your brain naturally emits serotonin to calm and soothe the build-up of anxiety. Medical supervision on a fasting retreat takes the guess work out of fighting stress and gives you a scientifically tailored programme to take home.
Professional Help
The numerous benefits of fasting and juice cleansing are enticing but it is important to note that fasting can still be dangerous, and it is important to do it correctly. Your body may have specific vitamin requirements that a DIY fast will not satisfy, leading to perhaps more damage than benefit. The nutritionist professionals working at these nutrition-friendly retreats practice safe and proven programmes, allowing you to reap the benefits of fasting and juice cleanses without the potential side effects.
We bond with others over shared experiences. Communal wellness holidays offer great group activities to meet people. Speak with health focused, likeminded people on your fasting retreat. Discuss your lives, fitness programmes and your nutrition plans with people facing the same challenge. Leave with friends from around the world who will share your ambitions for weight management and your love of luxury wellness retreats. Solo travellers will leave the exquisite singles retreats a few kilos lighter and a few friends richer.
Talk to one of our Travel Specialists on or contact us here to discuss tailor-making your perfect fasting retreat.