Achieving Your New Year Health Goals

by Matthew Powell
A Body Aware Specialist
Here we are then, those promises you made have gotta begin. If you’re serious about starting, continuing and keeping to these plans, hopefully you’ve done more by now than idly wish them to happen, but to help you to be more resolute about those resolutions, here are some tips to be going on with.

by Maureen Cromey
An Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Expert
New Year goals are an exciting and important way to start a year. We have had time to think over our lives and assess what may need to be changed. The New Year gives an opportunity to start these changes and we set ourselves new goals. Once the initial enthusiasm wears off it can be difficult to stick with these goals, and rather than face disappointment it is better to set your goals well and with a realistic strategy for achieving them.

by Angie Newson
A Yoga and Pilates Expert
We make New Year resolutions usually with every good intention to keep them and often start off determined and focused for the first few weeks - whether it be a new diet, cutting down the chocolate, reducing our alcohol intake, getting to the gym or taking up yoga. Health clubs are traditionally at their busiest in January and February and then before we know it, resolutions are broken and gym membership cards left at the bottom of unused kit bags by March.

by Steve Halsall
A Celebrity Personal Trainer
Where to start with the endless solutions and miracle cures that inundate you in the New Year? What ever you decide to do you must stick to it, no excuses. Every journey no matter how long will have the energy and creative excitement of the start. This is always followed by a plateau and 'the boring' part of the process, this is purely a state of mind and one you must override and understand that exercise is for not just for New Year it is for life.

by Dr. Sarah Brewer
A Nutritionist and Doctor
One of the best health goals you can make this new year is to exercise more. It doesn't even have to be jogging, cycling or swimming – just walking more can reduce your risk of numerous long-term health problems and significantly increases your chance of living longer. Ditch the car, and walk as much as you can. By investing in a pedometer, you can also log your daily steps and aim to work up to achieve 10,000 a day, on most days.