How to Beat Back Pain

by Justine Glenton
Ashtanga & Zen Yoga Teacher
Back sufferers often resort to desperate measures to end the pain and get their lives back; even if that means expensive surgery or dangerous drugs. When back pain strikes, it can be debilitating. A twinge today can mean agony tomorrow. Recent studies show that surgery or drugs are not an effective answer.

by Matthew Powell
A Body Aware Specialist
Well, there’s no really easy way to say this, but this month I’m cutting to the chase. 4 times out of 5 the problem with our backs is our fronts, especially in men. Excess weight around the abdomen puts a huge amount of strain on the back and often leads to postural change in the form of lordosis – lower back arching.

by Lucy Miller
A Fitness and Nutrition Expert
Your back is killing you. You've gone to your GP. You've got a diagnosis and possibly some medication but it still hurts. You're ready to try just about anything – but the last thing you’ve thought about is hitting the gym! Yes that’s right - plenty of research suggests that moving more can be the best medicine as well as following a structured program of exercises to get you back on your feet. I’m not saying, go out and run a marathon but exercise, such as yoga and Pilates and light resistance work can help to keep the spine, and all the muscles and soft tissues around it, supple and strong. Here are some of my recommendations. Give it a go – you have nothing to lose. Just keep an eye on your form and work to your own level – only you can monitor your pain, so don’t push yourself out of your comfort zone.

by Maureen Cromey
An Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Expert
Many years ago when I first started training as an acupuncturist it was considered an unusual career choice; it wasn’t fashionable, just odd. I'd be introduced to people with a knowing nod, “Oh you're the lady with the pins” swiftly followed by, “Do you think it works?” Then the softener, “My Mum (or ex-girlfriend or Aunty) had acupuncture for their back and THEY FELT BETTER, it worked. In fact, it has never been a problem since”.

by Dr. Sarah Brewer
A Nutritionist and Doctor
You’re lifting a heavy load, or just twist and stand awkwardly, and Aghhhh! Searing pain shoots through your lower back, and you collapse in agony. Or perhaps you just have an annoying twinge that limits your ability to enjoy life to the full. Most people suffer from back pain at some time during their life. You’re most likely to be affected if your work involves heavy lifting or carrying, or you spend long periods of time sitting in one position, or bending, but almost any day-to-day activity can bring it on – even sex!

by Steve Halsall
A Celebrity Personal Trainer
Five steps to ease back pain
A couple of years ago I was invited to attend the ‘Back Pain Show’, taking place at Olympia in London. My initial thought was how can there be a massive show dedicated to back pain? I mean, how much time and money can be devoted to back pain? Having done my research it turns out that back pain is quite a problem and according to, is responsible for nearly half the days off from work in the EU each year and its cost to society as a whole is a staggering 240 million euros per year.