Christmas Health Tips

by Scott Baptie
Fitness & Sports Nutrition Expert
X-MASS! – More calories, more muscle!
Mulled wine, turkey dinners, mince pies, work Christmas lunches, Christmas pudding...need I go on?
As the festive season draws nearer then the chances are your calorie intake will increase accordingly. Trying to go on a fat loss nutrition diet over Christmas makes as much sense as painting racing strips on a tank. Let's be realistic. Unless you have unbelievable will power, a dislike of Christmas dinners and you feel like being antisocial then the chances are you are going to eat more.

by Justine Glenton
An Ashtanga & Zen Yoga Teacher
Christmas often brings with it an abundance of stress and expense. As a society, we can be very much out of touch with the inherent beauty and simple magnificence of this time of year. A conscious step back will help alleviate some, if not all, of this stress.

by Matthew Powell
A Body Aware Specialist
A few years ago I reconciled that with regard to training, fitness and thus health, Christmas was akin to injury. It was a period of time where my fitness dropped off, my strength reduced, and my general sense of well-being abdicated for its own sojourn, perhaps sent somewhere warm and wholesome by Health and Fitness Travel.

by Maureen Cromey
An Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Expert
OMG it’s nearly Christmas AGAIN. How did that happen? Last year I resolved that this year would be different. Cards would be written in time to post, shopping for gifts could be a leisurely pursuit through autumn, my accounts would be in order, website completed and my entire wardrobe in a nifty capsule form.

by Dr. Sarah Brewer
A Nutritionist and Doctor
The festive season is a time of celebration, thanks-giving and fun. But all too often the physical and emotional stresses it brings can curb your festive enjoyment. Seasonal overeating can trigger indigestion, shopping for presents may leave you drained, and then there's those pesky hangovers from attending one party too many.

by Steve Halsall
A Celebrity Personal Trainer
Every Christmas I’m always amazed at the feeding frenzy which goes on over the ten day period between Christmas and New Year. I have just been asked what do I want to eat on Christmas Day. Call me a health freak, but I can’t get my head around stuffing rubbish food down my throat to celebrate one day. Don’t get me wrong here, I‘m all for a mince pie and a glass of red, but not continuously for ten hours a day! The old phrase, ‘a moment on the lips, an age on the hips’, springs to mind.