Embrace the Outdoors

by Justine Glenton
An Ashtanga & Zen Yoga Teacher
After the long and dark winter months, London is currently experiencing the most glorious spring sunshine, with blossoms, daffodils and magnolias magnificent in their full bloom splendour. The last winter cobwebs being brushed aside as the seeds that we have planted begin to manifest and express themselves in our physical worlds. Our bodies relishing soaking up the light solar energy into our systems. One naturally feels drawn to be out there embracing the great outdoors!

by Matthew Powell
A Body Aware Specialist
Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh spring is here and we’ve had our first taste of being outside, feeling the sun on our face, wearing our summer clothes and maybe even snuck a barbeque in. The hibernation is coming to an end ladies and gents, and Aslan is on his way; I think it’s all going to be alright y’know… good times.

by Lucy Miller
A Fitness and Nutrition Expert
I don’t know about you, but I feel like a different person when the sun comes out. My mood picks up and I’m uber motivated when it comes to my workouts. There is just something about getting up in the mornings and starting my day with a workout in the great outdoors, I feel invigorated and ready to take on the world.
Gone, is the stuffy gym and instead, I see my local park as my playground. An hour to myself, being creative and reaping the benefits of Mother Nature’s playground!

by Maureen Cromey
An Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Expert
I always recommend exercise outside for my patients. It’s particularly good for low spirits and emotional anguish. Wonderful for letting off steam and fantastic for immunity and general health. If someone is depressed or feeling very stressed or angry I recommend time spent near water, a river or lake. The Chinese Medicine reason for this is that the yin energy of water soothes and balances our constrained and hurting qi and yang energy. The lovely big wide trees like chestnuts and beech are very yang. They lift our energy and invigorate us. The tall pointy trees like spruce and pine are yin in nature, drawing off negative qi and calming our spirits. A walk in the woods, a paddle in a pond, a dig in the garden or even a cup of tea from the thermos whilst admiring the scenery all feel very good.

by Dr. Sarah Brewer
A Nutritionist and Doctor
Communing with nature is good for you. And the further from civilisation you can go the better, when it comes to Wilderness Therapy. Escape to a foreign country for a well earned break, ramble along unkempt lanes, hike over untamed moors, up craggy mountainsides or tramp through forest trails. But if it’s relaxation you need, rather than exercise, just sit in the middle of a field or beach and enjoy the wide open space.

by Steve Halsall
A Celebrity Personal Trainer
Spring has sprung and a mild sense of panic is drifting thorough most people as they come to terms with not going to the gym or working out enough over winter.